El look de hoy lo compré en el mercado de Las Dalias, en
Ibiza, visita obligada si vais a la isla, aunque solo sea para visitarlo y
envolveros del karma que allí se respira.
Un lugar lleno de artesanos/artistas que confeccionan
todo tipos de productos, sobretodo ropa, zapatos y complementos (bisutería y
El único problema, su precio, existen algunas paradas
solo aptas para mirar, aunque estoy segura que la calidad es suprema, y que la
confección debe ser muy compleja, no resulta asequible, al menos
para mi bolsillo.
Tanto la falda como el bolso son de la misma parada, su web es http://lolipopibiza.com, me encantan por su colorido y estampado! Tanto, que no dude
en estrenarlos en la fiesta a la que asistimos en Pacha, Flower Power.
Today outfit buys it on the market of The Dalias,
in Ibiza, obligatoy visit if you go to the island, though only it is to visit
it and to wrap yourselves of the karma that there is breathed.
A place full craftsman/artists that there
make quite types of products, overcoat clothes, shoes and complements (jewerly and
The only problem, his price, there’re shops
only for to look, though I am sure that the quality is supreme, and that the
confection must be very complex, but it doesn't turn out to be
attainable, at least for my “pocket”.
Both the skirt and the bag are of the same shop,
his web is http://lolipopibiza.com, I love they for their colours and print! So much
that I wear for her first time at Flower Power party, in Pacha.
Fotos: Kanjungla
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