Durante estos 2 años, la publicación del blog
ha sido una gran experiencia de vida, que me ha dado grandes momentos que siempre
recordaré... ver desfiles en la 080 BCN o la MBFW, participar en un desfile
como el de Trendtation en el 080 BCN, la colaboración con la marca Sheinside... a los cuáles agradezco su confianza, entre otros muchos, imposibles de todos nombrar.
También he podido rodearme de grandes fotógrafos, con los que cada sesión realizada ha sido un placer.
Por suerte y alegría, también he podido
sentir el cariño y apoyo de todas las que habéis entrado en el blog! GRACIAS POR ESAS 33.451 VISITAS EN ESTOS 2
During these 2 years, the blog has been a great experience of life, it has given me big moments that always I will remember ... to will see catwalk in 080 BCN or the MBFW, to take part in catwalk as that of Trendtation in 080 BCN, the collaboration with the brand Sheinside ... to which I am grateful for his confidence in my blog.
Also I could work with big photographers, with whom every shotting has been a pleasure. Thankfully and happiness, also I could have felt the fondness and support of all that you have entered the blog! THANK YOU FOR THESE 33.451 VISITS IN THESE 2 YEARS!!
During these 2 years, the blog has been a great experience of life, it has given me big moments that always I will remember ... to will see catwalk in 080 BCN or the MBFW, to take part in catwalk as that of Trendtation in 080 BCN, the collaboration with the brand Sheinside ... to which I am grateful for his confidence in my blog.
Also I could work with big photographers, with whom every shotting has been a pleasure. Thankfully and happiness, also I could have felt the fondness and support of all that you have entered the blog! THANK YOU FOR THESE 33.451 VISITS IN THESE 2 YEARS!!
Sólo puedo decir que la decisión de dejar el
blog ha sido muy meditada, y después de asumir que en estos momentos he
abarcado demasiados proyectos.
A día de hoy no puedo disfrutar como me
gustaría del blog, por esa falta de tiempo, no quiero algo que para mí ha sido
tan agradable se convierta en todo lo contrario.
Así deciros que espero, esto no sea un adiós y sino un HASTA PRONTO…
Me despido con un
total look de Zara (Invierno 2014), mi marca favorita! con un outfit especial para
estas fechas navideñas que están al caer!
Only I can say that the decision to leave the blog has been very pondered, and after taking up office that in these moments I have included too many projects.
A today I cannot enjoy since he me would please the blog, for this lack of time, I do not want anything that for me has been so agreeable turn into everything opposite.
This way to say to you that I wait, this is not a good-bye and but one UP TO SOON … I say goodbye with a total look of Zara (Winter 2014), my favorite brand! With a special outfit for these Christmas dates that are on having fallen down!
Only I can say that the decision to leave the blog has been very pondered, and after taking up office that in these moments I have included too many projects.
A today I cannot enjoy since he me would please the blog, for this lack of time, I do not want anything that for me has been so agreeable turn into everything opposite.
This way to say to you that I wait, this is not a good-bye and but one UP TO SOON … I say goodbye with a total look of Zara (Winter 2014), my favorite brand! With a special outfit for these Christmas dates that are on having fallen down!
Fotos: Luis Lau